What Did I Actually Learned?
What have I learned from this past first quarter of Grade 10? I learned many things this 1st Quarter. To begin with, our lessons on the birth of the internet, its pioneers, and blogging certainly opened my eyes to the true value of such things. To be honest, from everything that I have learned, learning how to create and maintain a blog was most beneficial and the most exciting to me as it allows for total freedom of expression online. However, the major challenges of my first quarter experiences were really hard, as well as poor time management. That really put me into thinking about solutions. Thus, I brainstorm my ideas before beginning to write, and I learned how to manage my time well in order to balance schoolwork effectively. I would look forward to working on further time management and acquiring more techniques to improve upon my blogging skills. I wouldn't fall into procrastination and the stress accompanying it; I would learn from the lessons in this quarter and have f...